This paper presents different mathematical structures connected with the parastatistics of braided Majorana qubits and clarifies their role; in particular, "mixed-bracket" Heisenberg-Lie algebras are introduced. These algebras belong to a more general framework than the Volichenko algebras defined in 1990 by Leites-Serganova as metasymmetries which do not respect even/odd gradings and lead to mixed brackets interpolating ordinary commutators and anticommutators.
In a previous paper braided Z2-graded Majorana qubits were first-quantized within a graded Hopf algebra framework endowed with a braided tensor product. The resulting system admits truncations at 
roots of unity and realizes, for a given integer s=2,3,4, ..., an interpolation between ordinary Majorana fermions (recovered at s=2) and bosons (recovered in the s →∞ limit); it implements a parastatistics where at most s-1 indistinguishable particles are accommodated in a multi-particle sector.
The structures discussed in this work are:
- the quantum group interpretation of the roots of unity truncations recovered from a (superselected) set of reps of the quantum superalgebra Uq(osp(1|2));
- the reconstruction, via suitable intertwining operators, of the braided tensor products as ordinary tensor products
(in a minimal representation, the N-particle sector of the braided Majorana qubits is described by 2N x 2N;
- the introduction of mixed brackets for the braided creation/annihilation operators which define generalized Heisenberg-Lie algebras;
- the s→∞ untruncated limit of the mixed-bracket Heisenberg-Lie algebras producing parafermionic oscillators;
- (meta)symmetries of ordinary differential equations given by matrix Schrödinger equations in 0+1 dimension induced by the braided creation/annihilation operators;
- in the special case of a third root of unity truncation, a nonminimal realization of the intertwining operators defines the system
as a ternary algebra.