“…Definitive hosts of T. cati are mainly felids and include: cat ( Felis catus ), wild cat ( Felis silvestris ), serval ( Felis serval ), lynx ( Lynx lynx ), Iberian lynx ( Lynx pardinus ), cheetah ( Actinomyx jubatus ), cougar ( Puma concolor ), lion ( Panthera leo ), American leopard ( Panthera onca ), tiger ( Panthera tigris ), jaguarundi ( Herpailurus yagouaroundi ), ocelot ( Leopardus pardalis ), spoted cat ( Leopardus tigrinus ), Geoffroy's cat ( Leopardus geoffroyi ), Chilean pampa cat ( Leopardus colocolo ), tiger cat ( Leopardus tigrinus ), kodkod ( Leopardus guigna ), and Pallas cat ( Otocolobus manul) , among others ( Rodríguez and Carbonell, 1998 ; Beldoménico et al, 2005 ; González-Acuña et al, 2010 ; Okulewicz et al, 2012 ; Gallas and Fraga da Silveira, 2013 ; Cruz Hurtado and Muñoz Huamaní, 2016 ; Heddergott et al, 2016 ). Nevertheless, there are a few reports of T. cati in mustelids ( Martens martes , European pine marten and Martens foina , beech marten) and canids ( Vulpes vulpes , red fox and Vulpes macrotis , kit fox) ( Rodríguez and Carbonell, 1998 ; Górski et al, 2006 ; Ubelaker et al, 2014 ).…”