“…De spite the dif fer ent ce men ta tion pro cesses and prod ucts, there is one com mon im por tant fac tor in beachrock for ma tion; ce men ta tion com monly oc curs within the intertidal zone (Bricker, 1971;Spurgeon et al, 2003). Beachrocks have been ex ten sively stud ied in many re gions in the world, such as on the coast of the Red Sea (e.g., Holail and Rashed, 1992;Ghandour et al, 2014), the Black Sea (Erginal et al, 2012(Erginal et al, , 2013, Florida (e.g., Spurgeon et al, 2003), the Med i ter ra nean (e.g., Alexandersson, 1972;El-Sayed, 1988), Cen tral Amer ica and the Ca rib bean (e.g., Beier, 1985), In dia (Kumar et al, 2000(Kumar et al, , 2012, the Ara bian Gulf (e.g.,Tay lor and Illing, 1971), Ha waii (Meyers, 1987), Aus tra lia (e.g., Chivas et al, 1986) and Scot land (e.g., Kneale and Viles, 2000). Beachrocks, a com mon fea ture of the east ern and north western coast lines of Saudi Ara bia, have been sub ject of a large num ber of mod ern coastal stud ies be cause of their func tion in the in ter pre ta tion of coastal dy nam ics (Chaves and Sial, 1998) and their im por tance as an in di ca tor of past sea level (Spurgeon et al, 2003).…”