A descriptive survey was conducted in Sulangan, Guiuan, Eastern Samar to describe the status of Caulerpa as the potential for aquaculture. Identification of species with natural populations, species with massive natural populations and the edible species favoured by the local residents were the specific objectives of this study. The observed massive population with 85% cover in 100 sqm was a combination of the nine Caulerpa species, which are C. racemosa, C. lentillifera, C. chemnitzia var. peltata, C. cylindracea, C. brachypus, C. macrophysa, C. microphysa, C. serrulata and C. sertularioides. The majority, 98%, was composed of C. racemosa and C. lentillifera, while other species were observed in one to two feet of stolon length underneath the two species.C. racemosa and C. lentillifera were identified as the most locally consumed species by 100% of the respondents, but C. lentillifera was most preferred by 98% due to its thinner ramuli over C. racemosa. Results revealed that Sulangan is a potential area for Caulerpa aquaculture with reference to the specific location and specifically to C. racemosa and C. lentillifera. Preliminary trials on Caulerpa aquaculture can be initially introduced; however, seasonality should be validated.