The atomic ionization processes induced by scattering of neutrinos play key roles in the experimental searches for a neutrino magnetic moment. Current experiments with reactor (anti)neutrinos employ germanium detectors having energy threshold comparable to typical binding energies of atomic electrons, which fact must be taken into account in the interpretation of the data. Our theoretical analysis shows that the so-called stepping approximation to the neutrino-impact ionization is well applicable for the lowest bound Coulomb states, and it becomes exact in the semiclassical limit. Numerical evidence is presented using the Thomas-Fermi model for the germanium atom.The neutrino magnetic moments (NMM) expected in the Standard Model are very small and proportional to the neutrino masses [1]: µ ν ≈ 3 × 10 −19 µ B (m ν /1 eV) with µ B = e/2m being the electron Bohr magneton, and m is the electron mass. Thus any larger value of µ ν can arise only from physics beyond the Standard Model (a recent review of this subject can be found in Ref.[2]). Current direct experimental searches [3,4,5] for a magnetic moment of the electron (anti)neutrinos from reactors have lowered the upper limit on µ ν down to µ ν < 3.2 × 10 −11 µ B [5]. These ultra low background experiments use germanium crystal detectors exposed to the neutrino flux from a reactor and search for scattering events by measuring the energy T deposited by the neutrino scattering in the detector. The sensitivity of such a search to NMM crucially depends on lowering the threshold for the energy transfer T , due to the enhancement of the magnetic scattering relative to the standard electroweak one at low T . Namely, the differential cross section dσ/dT is given by the incoherent sum of the magnetic and the standard cross section, and for the scattering on free electrons the NMM contribution is given by the formula [6,7] dσ (µ) dT = 4παµwhere E ν is the energy of the incident neutrino, and displays a 1/T enhancement at low energy transfer. The 1)