Three related topics are addressed in this article: (i) X-ray spectroscopy (XAS) studies of remote plasma deposited (RPD) nc-SiO 2 and nc-GeO 2 emphasizing (a) band-edge states and (b) pre-existing bonding defects; (ii) interpretation of X-ray absorption and photoemission spectra based on many electron theory, and in particluar charge transfer multiplets (CTs); and (iii) band-edge electronic structure and intrinsic defects in nc-SiO 2 and nc-GeO 2 thin films and their interfaces with Si and Ge substrates. The most significant result is the identification of local atomic structure in medium range order (MRO) clusters in which the pre-existing defects are embedded. These defects are vacated O-atom sites in which O-atoms have never been resident. They are confined to 1 nm scale chemically-ordered clusters distributed non-periodically with quartz-structured 4-fold coordinated Si(Ge) and 2-fold coordinated O bonding in 12-atom regular rings. Vacated O-atom sites defects are formed during processing and annealing, and reducing macroscopic as well as local bond-strain strain. They are qualitatively different, and readily distinguished from defects introduced by electrical, and by X-ray, γ-ray or high energy electron stressing of nc-SiO 2 and nc-GeO 2 .
IntroductionIt is significant to note that ESR-active pre-existing defects detected in nc-SiO 2 and nc-GeO 2 , and in Se-rich Ge 1-x Se x alloys are qualitatively different. This is due quantitative differences in medium range order (MRO) between oxides and chalcogenides. MRO is order is by definition order beyond the regimes of (i) bond-lengths or 2-atom atom distances, and (iii) 3-atom correlated bond-angles. S-atoms and Se-atoms form S-S and Se-Se bonds, where O-atoms do not except in peroxides which have not been detected in irradiated SiO 2 bulk glasses or films. MRO is correlated with d-state ligand field splittings, ΔLF. These are non-zero when molecular orbital theory descriptions of valence band states in which case the number of valence band features is either 3 or more in compound and alloy oxides and chalcogenides [1]. The ΔLF are energy differences in 5-fold degenerate atomic core level d-states induced by non-spherical local symmetry in the valence band structure, or in virtual bound states in the conduction band regime as well. Of particular importance are the values of ΔLF associated with O-vacancy defect sites. These are split into 2-fold degenerate eg states and 3-fold degenerate t2g spectral regimes. This splitting is a direct consequence the non-spherical local symmetry and the medium range order (MRO) at the vacated O-atom sites [1]. Values of ΔLF, in electron volts (eV), are obtained by X-ray absorption (XAS) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The same values can also be extracted from dielectric constants obtained from a dispersion analysis of (i) reflectivity (R), and (ii) spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) spectral data. ΔLF is local symmetry, atomic coordination, and atom specific. It is equally important to distinguish the spi...