We examine the internal structure of the Λ(1670) through an analysis of lattice QCD simulations and experimental data within Hamiltonian effective field theory. Two scenarios are presented. The first describes the Λ(1670) as a bare three-quark basis state, which mixes with the πΣ, K¯N, ηΛ and KΞ meson-baryon channels. In the second scenario, the Λ(1670) is dynamically generated from these isospin-0 coupled channels. The K−p scattering data and the pole structures of the Λ(1405) and the Λ(1670) can be simultaneously described well in both scenarios. However, a comparison of the finite-volume spectra to lattice QCD calculations reveals significant differences between these scenarios, with a clear preference for the first case. Thus the lattice QCD results play a crucial role in allowing us to distinguish between these two scenarios for the internal structure of the Λ(1670).
Published by the American Physical Society