Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of jet-cooled tantalum carbide, TaCThe first optical investigation of the spectra of diatomic PdC has revealed that the ground state has ⍀ϭ0 ϩ , with a bond length of r 0 ϭ1.712 Å. The Hund's case ͑a͒ nature of this state could not be unambiguously determined from the experimental data, but dispersed fluorescence studies to be reported in a separate publication, in combination with a comparison to theoretical calculations, demonstrate that it is the 2␦ 4 12 2 , 1 ⌺ 0 ϩ ϩ state, which undergoes spin-orbit mixing with a low-lying 2␦ 4 12 1 6 1 , 3 ⌸ 0 ϩ state. An excited 3 ⌺ ϩ state with r e ϭ1.754Ϯ0.003 Å (r 0 ϭ1.758 Ϯ0.002 Å) and ⌬G 1/2 ϭ794 cm Ϫ1 is found at T 0 ϭ17 867 cm Ϫ1 . Although only the ⍀ϭ1 component of this state is directly observed, the large hyperfine splitting of this state for the 105 Pd 12 C isotopomer implies that an unpaired electron occupies an orbital that is primarily of 5s character on Pd. Comparison to ab initio calculations identifies this state as 2␦ 4 12 1 13 1 , 3 ⌺ 1 ϩ . To higher wavenumbers a number of transitions to states with ⍀ϭ0 ϩ have been observed and rotationally analyzed. Two groups of these have been organized into band systems, despite the clear presence of homogeneous perturbations between states with ⍀ϭ0 ϩ in the region between 22 000 and 26 000 cm Ϫ1 .