A crystallization framework serves to enhance richness, validities, and translatability of qualitative, interpretive, critical, and multi‐method health communication research. Crystallization enables researchers to combine multiple methods and multiple genres into a single text or series of texts. The juxtaposition of both social scientific and narrative, performative, or artistic representations generates rich and openly partial accounts of phenomena that problematize their own construction, highlight researchers' positionality, make claims about socially constructed meanings, and reveal the indeterminacy of all knowledge claims. Integrated crystallization combines multiple genres into a single text, while dendritic crystallization involves a dispersed process of making meaning through multiple methods and multiple genres in a series of separate, yet related texts. Crystallization aids researchers in fulfilling requirements of grants to disseminate research findings to participant communities, share them with general publics, and translate them for practice with healthcare clinicians or public health professionals.