Hydrogen plasma-driven permeation (PDP) experiments have been performed using a sputter-deposited tungsten (SP-W) coated F82H membrane in the spherical tokamak QUEST. It has been found that SP-W coatings tend to enhance hydrogen PDP compared with that of bare F82H membrane. Surface recombination is a key process determining the PDP flux, suggesting that surface effects on hydrogen PDP should be further investigated. In magnetic fusion devices, confinement loss particles via cross-field diffusion will bombard the first wall to induce plasma-driven permeation (PDP) (atomic hydrogen permeation included). Hydrogen isotopes (deuterium and tritium) transported into the breeding blankets by PDP will hinder the recovery efficiency of tritium and necessitate isotopes separation. Tritium permeation through the first wall may raise reactor safety issues as well. In addition, particle recycling from the plasma-facing wall would directly affect the core plasma performance [1]. Thus, it is crucial to measure the particle flux to the first wall. In our previous work [2], a permeation probe made of a reduced activation ferritic steel (RAFS) F82H was used to measure the hydrogen permeation flux in QUEST at Kyushu University. Those measurements were conducted during wall conditioning steady-state discharges. For a DEMO reactor, surface coatings made of refractory metals such as tungsten (W) are necessary to protect the plasma-facing wall made of RAFS such as F82H [3]. The characterization of hydrogen transport through W coated F82H under plasma exposure is of crucial importance to evaluate major reactor design issues including tritium retention, breeding feasibility and first wall particle recycling. In this work, a sputterdeposited tungsten (SP-W) coated F82H permeation probe has been installed in QUEST. The data have been compared with experimental results obtained by a bare F82H permeation probe [2] and the effects of SP-W coatings on hydrogen PDP are discussed.Experiments are performed in the medium sized spherical tokamak QUEST [4] with the major and minor radii of 0.68 m and 0.4 m, respectively. Schematic view of the tokamak cross-section is shown in Fig. 1 (a) ing gas is hydrogen, supplied from a nozzle on the central stack. Gas puff is done in a pulse mode, the opening time of which varies in the range of 5 -100 ms with the fueling rate of 2.0 × 10 21 H s −1 . The interval between puffs is in the range from 1 s to 50 s. The fueling gas pressure in the vessel is set in the range of 1 -10 × 10 −3 Pa. Plasma is produced by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) alone at 2.45 GHz (<10 kW). The annular slab plasma is used in