“…At this stage, we establish the equilibrium conditions of this economy taking as given the possible stochastic sequences of default threshold in each period: {Ω max t } . 16 A competitive equilibrium contingent to a sequence of default thresholds is defined as follows: It is a sequence of prices {W t , q t , {Q t,t+1 }} ∞ t=0 , policy instruments {τ t , h t }, and quantities {N t , Y t , C t , B t , {D t+1 }} ∞ t=0 such that, for all possible sequences of exogenous realizations {A t } ∞ t=0 and default thresholds {Ω max t } +∞ t=0 , households and firms solve their respective optimization problems, the accumulation equation of public debt holds, the taxation and default rules hold, and all markets clear. The market clearing conditions for respectively the good market, the labor market and the contingent asset market are, 15 Haircuts in sovereign debt restructuring for emerging market economies over 1998 and 2005 varied from 5% in Dominican republic to 72% in Argentina (see Sturzenegger and Zettelmeyer, 2008).…”