This progress report addresses activities conducted at Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) between April 1989 and December 1989 to characterize the reaction layer or film previously proposed by PNL to form on cermet anodes during the electrolytic production of aluminum in Hall-Herault cells. Formation of this resistive film was thought to protect the cermet anode from corrosion reactions that would otherwise occur in the molten cryolite electrolyte. i i; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the assistance of the staff at Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL), in particular the managerial guidance provided by L. G. Morgan, the technical contributions of 0. H. Koski and D. M. Strachan, the microscopy work done by N. T. Saenz, and the secretarial support by D. L. Schneider. We are also grateful for the programmatic assistance provided by