Conversion of synthesis gas to gaseous and liquid fuels via Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis is becoming increasingly important for future energy needs. Tube-wall reactors (TWR) are gaining importance for l T synthesis because of simple construction and improved temperature control. In the literature, studies have been reported on the fl synthesis in a TWR using a flame-sprayed iron catalyst. In the present work, we have examined the effect of temperature (250-275°C). pressure (3.45 X 10' -6.89 X 10' Pa), exposure velocity (0.61 -2.44 m3/h of gas at STP/m2 of catalyst superficial area) and feed composition (H2/C0 ratio of 2 and 3) on the product yield and selectivity using a plasma-sprayed iron catalyst in the TWR. The plasma-sprayed iron catalyst gave slightly lower conversions but showed much higher Cs+ product selectivity as compared to the flame-sprayed catalyst. The product distribution shifted towards higher hydrocarbons at lower temperatures. higher pressures and lower exposure velocities. The product distribution followed Shultz-Flory relationship and the chain growth probability factor a decreased slightly with increase in temperature. The catalyst also showed good regeneration characteristics.La conversion du gaz de synthtse en combustibles liquides et gazeux par la synthkse Fischer-Tropsch (FT) rev& une