The majority of mass spectrometry-based protein quantification studies uses peptide-centric analytical methods and thus strongly relies on efficient and unbiased protein digestion protocols for sample preparation. We present a novel objective approach to assess protein digestion efficiency using a combination of qualitative and quantitative liquid chromatography-tandem MS methods and statistical data analysis. In contrast to previous studies we employed both standard qualitative as well as data-independent quantitative workflows to systematically assess trypsin digestion efficiency and bias using mitochondrial protein fractions. We evaluated nine trypsin-based digestion protocols, based on standard in-solution or on spin filter-aided digestion, including new optimized protocols. We investigated various reagents for protein solubilization and denaturation (dodecyl sulfate, deoxycholate, urea), several trypsin digestion conditions (buffer, RapiGest, deoxycholate, urea), and two methods for removal of detergents before analysis of peptides (acid precipitation or phase separation with ethyl acetate). Our data-independent quantitative liquid chromatography-tandem MS workflow quantified over 3700 distinct peptides with 96% completeness between all protocols and replicates, with an average 40% protein sequence coverage and an average of 11 MS-based proteomics is an indispensable technology for the characterization of complex biological systems, including relative or absolute protein expression levels and protein post-translational modifications. The most popular method for analyzing medium to high complexity protein samples in large-scale proteomics relies on protein digestion by using the endoprotease trypsin. Analysis and sequencing of tryptic peptides by liquid chromatography-tandem MS (LC-MS/MS) 1 then enables identification and determination of protein expression levels based on the peptide ion abundance level or the (fragment) ion intensities of identified peptides. This peptide-centric approach thus strongly relies on efficient, unbiased and reproducible protein digestion protocols. Efficiency is required to maximize the number of detectable peptides per protein (coverage) to distinguish unique proteins within protein families with similar sequences and/or sequence variants, and to detect post-translational modifications. Unbiased generation of peptides is required for the resulting data set to most accurately reflect the relative (stoichiometry) and absolute protein abundance in a sample. A particular protocol should be unbiased with respect to abundance, molecular weight, hydrophobicity and protein class. Membrane proteins for example are often suspected to be underrepresented. For MS-based proteomics approaches several critical steps can be distinguished: (a) disruption and solubilization of cells and protein complexes, (b) protein denaturation and enzymatic proteolysis, (c) MS-compatible peptide recovery, which normally entails removal of reagent leftovers and desalting before MS analysis, (d) adequate pept...