ABSTRACT:The purpose of the present study was to give an overview of imported and traded gadoid fish species (Gadiformes) in the Czech Republic and to describe available methods for their authentication. Due to the increasing interest of customers in the purchase of buy fish meat and other seafood animals, it is necessary to have available analytical methods with discriminating power of respective fish species. With regard to different values and prices of various fish species, these may be adultered. Until recently, electrophoretic, chromatographic and immunological methods based on the analysis of proteins extracted from fish musculature seemed to be promising. Using these methods, various fish species can be identified in fresh, chilled and frozen products. However, they often fail in heat treated products. Molecular biology methods based on DNA analysis are more reliable and suitable for the analysis of fish products that have been heat treated during the production process.Keywords: cod fish; fish species identification; electrophoresis; PCR-RFLP; cytochrome b gene; food adulteration List of abbreviations AK = adenylate kinase; ARGK = arginine kinase; ATP = adenosine triphosphate; CE = capillary electrophoresis; CK = creatine kinase; CR = Czech Republic; DGGE = denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis; DHA = docosahexaen acid; DNA = deoxyribonucleotide acid; EPA = eicosapentaen acid; EU = European Union; FINS = forensically informative nucleotide sequencing; G 3-PD = glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase; HPLC = high performance liquid chromatography; IEF = isoelectric focusing; LDH = lactate dehydrogenase; MDH = malate dehydrogenase; MS = mass spectrometry; mt cyt b = mitochondrial cytochrome b gene; Mw = molecular weight; NDKA = nucleoside diphosphate kinase A; NTSs = nontranscribed spacers; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; PCR-RAPD = polymerase chain reaction -random amplified polymorphic DNA; PCR-RFLP = polymerase chain reaction -restriction fragment length polymorphism; PCR-SSCP = polymerase chain reaction -single strand conformation polymorphism; pI = isoelectric point; RP-HPLC = reversed phased -high performance liquid chromatography; SDS-PAGE = sodium dodecyl sulphate -polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; urea-IEF = urea isoelectric focusing; 2DE = two dimensional electrophoresis