We promised to keep secret the identities of peasant fishers, NGO staff and local public officials who encompass the vast majority of those to whom we need to show respect for the knowledge, hospitality, guidance and extra bits of help that made our research manageable in difficult, under-funded circumstances. Many of you opened your homes, took hours away from your work schedules, and shared scare food resources with us. One of you fisherwomen told us that "the world does not weep" for endangered peasant fishers and their communities. Taking to heart what you told us, we have done our best in this book and in our public presentations to make people stop to see the globalized world from your vantage point. In the words of the Philippine Catholic Bishops ("Pastoral Letter on Ecology," 1988):Go to my mountain cradle.Go to my home and sea. Look on my ruined forests.And note what ye did to me.However, we also need to thank a group of people whose identities we can publicly acknowledge. We wish to express our deep appreciation and warm affection to the many Philippine feminists, fishery/mangrove scholars, nutritional analysts, and time-analysis specialists whose published scholarship we gleaned to construct the historiography of how the Philippines was transformed into a food extractive enclave to feed the world. Our bibliography reflects that many of you were on the early cutting edge of concern about hunger, women's overwork, and destruction of the country's ecological resources. Your empirical and conceptual clues often guided us toward deeper,
Tables and FiguresTables World Rankings for the major Asian fisheries, 2019 2 Indicators of food insecurity, 2016 34 What happens to fishery production? How exporting, nonfood uses and wastage threaten food security, 2016 37 Per capita dietary protein consumption, 2013 47 Nutritional unequal exchange: exports of fishery foods from high hunger zones to low hunger zones, 2017 50 How is the import budget spent? Percentage of total value expended by food category, 2016 53 Nutritional unequal exchanges embodied in trade of Asian fishery commodities, 2016 58 Can domestic meat production offset iron losses from fishery exporting? 2016 61 Food versus feed in the import budget, 2016 67 Nonfood production, 2016 72 Intra-national indicators of inequality that impact access to food, 2010 85 Philippine food insecurity through land redistribution 161 Food insecurity in Panguil Bay communities, 2019 174 Climate risk for the major Asian fisheries, 1999-2020 306 A comparison of climate change risks and emissions 310 Trading in carbon offsets: certified emission reductions issued to Asian countries (July to October 2021) 313 Climate change funding to the major Asian fisheries, 2015-2021 315 Asian states and conflict over indigenous lands, 2020 326 Heavy infrastructure construction in rural areas of the major Asian fisheries, 2000-2020 332 Status of agricultural expenditures in national budgets, 2015 353 Two decades of alarming to moderate global hunger indexes, 2000-2019 354 Farm size and lan...