The two-step process that characterizes the intermediate-and high-energy photonuclear reactions (between 40 MeV and 4 GeV) has been successfully described by Monte Carlo calculations. Recently, a new class of codes capable to perform those calculations according to a more realistic method has been developed, improving the possibilities for simulating the reactions in more details. In this work we present the CRISP package (standing for Rio-São Paulo Collaboration), which is a coupling of the multi collisional Monte Carlo (MCMC) and the Monte Carlo for evaporation-fission (MCEF) codes. The first one describes the intranuclear cascade process, while the second one is dedicated to the evaporation/fission competition step. Both codes have already shown to be useful for calculating several features of different nuclear reactions. The CRISP code, coupling these two software, represents a good tool to describe the complex characteristics of the nuclear reactions, and opens the opportunity for applications in quite different fields, such as studies of hadron physics inside the nucleus, specific nuclear reactions, spallation and/or fission processes initiated by different probes and many others.