We describe the main features of the developed software tool, namely PlatE-Motion 2.0 (PEM2), which allows inferring the Euler pole parameters by inverting the observed velocities at a set of sites located on a rigid block (inverse problem). PEM2 allows also calculating the expected velocity value for any point located on the Earth providing an Euler pole (direct problem). PEM2 is the updated version of a previous software tool initially developed for easy-to-use file exchange with the GAMIT/ GLOBK software package. The software tool is developed in Matlab Ò framework and, as the previous version, includes a set of MATLAB functions (m-files), GUIs (fig-files), map data files (matfiles) and user's manual as well as some example input files. New changes in PEM2 include (1) some bugs fixed, (2) improvements in the code, (3) improvements in statistical analysis, (4) new input/ output file formats. In addition, PEM2 can be now run under the majority of operating systems. The tool is open source and freely available for the scientific community.