We propose a possible scheme to interpret the complex expectation values associated with resonances having complex eigenenergies. Using the Green's function for resonances, the expectation value is basically described by the Breit-Wigner distribution as a function of the real excitation energy. In the expression of the complex expectation values for resonances, the real part brings the integral value of the distribution, while the imaginary part produces the deviation from the Breit-Wigner distribution, which explains a shift of the peak in the strength from the resonance energy. We apply the present scheme to several nuclear resonances of 12 C, including the Hoyle state, and neutron/proton-rich nuclei of 6 He, 6 Be, 8 He, and 8 C. In these nuclei, many-body resonances are obtained as the complex-energy eigenstates under the correct boundary condition using the complex scaling method, and their nuclear radii are uniquely evaluated. We discuss the peculiar energy dependence of the strength function of the square radius for the resonances in these nuclei.