We calculate the distribution of the sextuple statistic over the hyperoctahedral group B n that involves the flag-excedance and flag-descent numbers "fexc" and "fdes," the flag-major index "fmaj," the positive and negative fixed point numbers "fix + " and "fix − " and the negative letter number "neg." Several specializations are considered. In particular, the joint distribution for the pair (fexc, fdes) is explicitly derived.
IntroductionAs has been shown in our series of four papers p. 7,or [Hu90], p. 12) and the flag major index "fmaj" introduced by Adin and Roichman [AR01] have become the true q-analog makers for the calculation of various multivariable distributions on the hyperoctahedral group B n of the signed permutations. The elements of B n may be viewed as words w = x 1 x 2 · · · x n , where each x i belongs to the set {−n, . . . , −1, 1, . . . , n} and |x 1 ||x 2 | · · · |x n | is a permutation of 12 . . . n. The set (resp. the number) of negative letters among the x i 's is denoted by Neg w (resp. neg w). A positive fixed point of the signed permutation w = x 1 x 2 · · · x n is a (positive) integer i such that x i = i. It is convenient to write i := −i for each integer i. If x i = i with i positive, we say that i is a negative fixed point of w. The set of all positive (resp. negative) fixed points of w is denoted by Fix + w (resp. Fix − w). Notice that Fix − w ⊂ Neg w. Also let (1.1) fixThere are 2 n n! signed permutations of order n. The symmetric group S n may be considered as the subset of all w from B n such that Neg w = ∅. When w is an (ordinary) permutation from S n , then Fix − w = ∅, so that we define Fix w := Fix + w and fix w = # Fix w.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 05A15, 05A30, 05E15, 33D15.