Much attention has been given recently to the mechanism of fibring of logics, allowing free mixing of the connectives and using proof rules from both logics. Fibring seems to be a rather useful and general form of combination of logics that deserves detailed study. It is now well understood at the proof-theoretic level. However, the semantics of fibring is still insufficiently understood. Herein we provide a categorial definition of both proof-theoretic and model-theoretic fibring for logics without terms. To this end, we introduce the categories of Hilbert calculi, interpretation systems and logic system presentations. By choosing appropriate notions of morphism it is possible to obtain pure fibring as a coproduct. Fibring with shared symbols is then easily obtained by cocartesian lifting from the category of signatures. Soundness is shown to be preserved by these constructions. We illustrate the constructions within propositional modal logic.