For a given r ≥ 0, a mapping T M → M on some convex subset M of a normed linear space X is said to be around r-continuous if for all x ∈ M and > 0 there exists > 0 such that Ty − Tz < r + holds whenever y z ∈ M, y − x < , and z − x < . If does not depend on x then T is called uniformly r-continuous. By using the self-Jung constant J s X ∈ 1 2 , we state some theorems on approximate fixed points of such mappings. For instance, if M is compact and T is around r-continuous then, for all > 0, there exists x * ∈ M satisfying x * − Tx * ≤ 1 2 J s X r + , where can be replaced by zero under some additional assumptions. This property remains true if M is only relatively compact but T is uniformly r-continuous, or if the relative compactness of M is replaced by the relative compactness of T M .