The high scale mixing unification hypothesis recently proposed by three of us (R. N. M., M. K. P. and G. R.) states that if at the seesaw scale, the quark and lepton mixing matrices are equal then for quasi-degenerate neutrinos, radiative corrections can lead to large solar and atmospheric mixings and small reactor angle at the weak scale in agreement with data. Evidence for quasidegenerate neutrinos could, within this framework, be interpreted as being consistent with quarklepton unification at high scale. In the current work, we extend this model to show that the hypothesis works quite successfully in the presence of CP violating phases (which were set to zero in the first paper). In the case where the PMNS matrix is identical to the CKM matrix at the seesaw scale, with a Dirac phase but no Majorana phase, the low energy Dirac phase is predicted to be (≃ 0.3 • ) and leptonic CP-violation parameter JCP ≃ (4 − 8) × 10 −5 and θ13 = 3.5 • . If on the other hand, the PMNS matrix is assumed to also have non-negligible Majorana phase(s) initially, the resulting theory damps radiative magnification phenomenon for a large range of parameters but nevertheless has enough parameter space to give the two necessary large neutrino mixing angles. In this case, one has θ13 = 3.5 • − 10 • and |JCP | as large as 0.02 − 0.04 which are accessible to long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments.PACS numbers: 14.60. Pq, 11.30.Hv, 12.15.Lk
I INTRODUCTIONGrand unified theories [1][2][3][4] with quark-lepton unification have often been used as key ingredients in attempts to understand the widely differing values of physical parameters describing particle interactions at low energies. In the context of SUSY GUTs, this approach can explain the experimentally measured values of the electro-weak mixing angle. The same models also lead to b − τ Yukawa unification [5] which seems to be in rough agreement with observation or even t − b − τ Yukawa unification [6] which agree with observation for large values of tan β(= v u /v d ). It is then natural to explore whether there are other manifestations of quark lepton unification at low energies.In a recent paper, three of us [7] discussed the possibility that weak interaction properties of quarks and leptons parameterized by very different flavor mixing matrices at low energies may become identical at high scales and provide another signature of quark-lepton unification. We found that if neutrinos are Majorana fermions with quasidegenerate masses and with same CP, it could indeed happen i.e. starting with the CKM mixing matrix for neutrinos at the GUT-seesaw scale [8], as would be expected on the basis of quark-lepton unification [1], renormalization group evolution (RGE) to the weak scale leads to predictions for neutrino mixings in agreement with observations [10]. Since small angles become larger, we have called this phenomenon radiative magnification and the interesting result is that the RGEs give two large mixings in the solar and atmospheric neutrino sectors while ultra smallness of V ub...