“…A complete classification of D is provided in [9] for λ = 1 when G A L 1 (v), v a power of a prime. The case λ > 1 has been investigated by Zhou et al in [36,37], when Soc(G) is alternating, by Zhan and Zhou in [34,35] when Soc(G) is sporadic or isomorphic to P SL (2, q), q = p n > 3, and by Biliotti and Montinaro [6] when D is symmetric and G is of affine type, that is Soc(G) is an elementary abelian pgroup. In the present paper the non-trivial 2-(v, k, λ) designs, with (r , λ) = 1 and λ > 1, admitting a non-solvable flag-transitive automorphism group G of affine type are classified.…”