In this study, the high-temperature molten salt corrosion resistance of bare steels and steels with protective coatings, fabricated by thermal diffusion processes (boronizing, aluminizing and chromizing), were investigated and compared. Surface engineering through thermal diffusion can be used to fabricate protective coatings against corrosion, while alleviating issues around possible cracking and spallation that is typical for conventional thermal-sprayed coatings. In this regard, samples of low carbon steel and 316 stainless steel substrates were boronized, chromized, and aluminized through a proprietary thermal diffusion process, while some of the samples were further coated with additional thin oxide and non-oxide layers to create new surface architectures. In order to simulate the actual corrosion conditions in recovery boilers (e.g., from black liquor combustion), the surfaces of the samples sprayed with a modeling salt solution, were exposed to low-temperature (220 • C) and high-temperature (600 • C) environments. According to microstructural and X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies and results of hardness determination, the coatings with multilayered architectures, with and without additional oxide layers, showed successful resistance to corrosive attack over bare steels. In particular, the samples with boronized and chromized coatings successfully withstood low-temperature corrosive attack, and the samples with aluminized coatings successfully resisted both low-and high-temperature molten salt corrosive attacks. The results of this study conducted for the first time for the thermal diffusion coatings suggest that these coatings with the obtained architectures may be suitable for surface engineering of large-sized steel components and tubing required for recovery boilers and other production units for pulp and paper processing and power generation.2 of 36 materials and process features, low-melting temperature ash or smelt is produced. The produced smelt mainly consists of different salts, e.g., sodium and potassium chlorides, sulfates, and carbonates. At elevated temperatures, mostly greater than 500 • C, the aforementioned salts in certain combination likely become molten. In the presence of oxygen, the molten salts can be highly corrosive [2,3]. Combustion of the black liquor fuel also results in the formation of hot corrosive gases, such as SO 2 , CO 2 , Cl 2 , and some others [5].Generally, high-temperature black liquor corrosion occurs according to two main mechanisms, namely (i) high-temperature active oxidation and (ii) corrosion due to the formation of sulfidic and chlorine gasses and residual deposits of molten salts and their interaction with the steel surface [6]. In the former mechanism, which generally occurs in high temperatures (above 450 • C), the anions of the molten salt, such as chlorides (Cl − ), sulfates (SO 4 2− ) and sulfides (S 2− ), continuously diffuse into the oxide-metal interface and actively sustain the oxidation. On the other hand, in the latter mechanism, the presence of the an...