A general procedure is described, to generate material parameter sets to simulate fire propagation in horizontal cable tray installations. Cone Calorimeter test data is processed in an inverse modelling approach. Here, parameter sets are generated procedurally and serve as input for simulations conducted with the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). The simulation responses are compared with the experimental data and ranked based on their fitness. The best fitness was found for a test condition of \SI{50}{\kilo\watt\per\meter^2}. Low flux conditions \SI{25}{\kilo\watt\per\meter^2} and less exhibited difficulties to be simulated accurately. As a validation step, the best parameter sets are then utilised to simulate fire propagation within a horizontal cable tray installation and are compared with experimental data. It is important to note, the inverse modelling process is focused on the Cone Calorimeter and not aware of the actual validation step. Despite this handicap, the general features in the fire development can be reproduced, however not exact. The fire in the tray simulation extinguishes earlier and the total energy release is slightly higher as compared to the experiment. The responses of the material parameter sets are briefly compared with a selection of state of the art procedures.