The strength and stability of frictional interfaces, ranging from tribological systems to earthquake faults, are intimately related to the underlying spatially-extended dynamics. Here we provide a comprehensive theoretical account, both analytic and numeric, of spatiotemporal interfacial dynamics in a realistic rate-and-state friction model, featuring both velocity-weakening and velocitystrengthening behaviors. Slowly extending, loading-rate dependent, creep patches undergo a linear instability at a critical nucleation size, which is nearly independent of interfacial history, initial stress conditions and velocity-strengthening friction. Nonlinear propagating rupture fronts -the outcome of instability -depend sensitively on the stress state and velocity-strengthening friction. Rupture fronts span a wide range of propagation velocities and are related to steady state fronts solutions.Introduction -Predicting the strength and stability of frictional interfaces is an outstanding problem, relevant to a broad range of fields -from biology and nanomechanics to geophysics. Recent modeling efforts [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] and novel laboratory experiments [21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33] have revealed complex spatiotemporal dynamics that precede and accompany interfacial failure. In particular, frictional instabilities that mark the transition from creep-like motion to rapid slip and a variety of emerging rupture fronts have been observed. Quantitatively understanding these complex dynamics and their dependence on geometry, external forcing, system's history and constitutive behavior of the frictional interface remains an important challenge.In this Letter we present a theoretical analysis of a simple, yet realistic, quasi-1D rate-and-state model [34,35] in which friction is velocity-weakening at low slip velocities and crosses over to velocity-strengthening at higher velocities [36][37][38]. Using combined analytic and numeric tools we elucidate the physics of a sequence of instabilities at a frictional interface. In particular, we study the dynamics of slowly extending creep patches [39][40][41][42][43], their stability, and the emerging nonlinearly propagating rupture fronts.The model -The friction model we study is the realistic rate-and-state model introduced in [38], which is briefly presented here. The spatially-extended interface between two dry macroscopic bodies is composed of an ensemble of contact asperities whose total area A r is much smaller than the nominal contact area A n [44]. The normalized real contact area, A ≡ A r /A n 1, is given as A(φ) = [1+b log (1+φ/φ * )] σ/σ H , where φ is a state variable quantifying the typical time passed since the contact was formed (i.e. its "age"). σ is the normal stress, σ H is the hardness, b is a dimensionless material parameter and φ * is a short time cut-off [24,30]. The frictional resistance stress τ is decomposed as τ = τ el + τ vis , where τ el is related to elastic deformation of the contact as...