A central question in arrangement theory is to determine whether the characteristic polynomial Δq of the algebraic monodromy acting on the homology group Hqfalse(F(A),double-struckCfalse) of the Milnor fiber of a complex hyperplane arrangement scriptA is determined by the intersection lattice L(A). Under simple combinatorial conditions, we show that the multiplicities of the factors of Δ1 corresponding to certain eigenvalues of order a power of a prime p are equal to the Aomoto–Betti numbers βpfalse(scriptAfalse), which in turn are extracted from L(A). When scriptA defines an arrangement of projective lines with only double and triple points, this leads to a combinatorial formula for the algebraic monodromy. To obtain these results, we relate nets on the underlying matroid of scriptA to resonance varieties in positive characteristic. Using modular invariants of nets, we find a new realizability obstruction (over double-struckC) for matroids, and estimate the number of essential components in the first complex resonance variety of scriptA. Our approach also reveals a rather unexpected connection of modular resonance with the geometry of prefixSL2false(double-struckCfalse)‐representation varieties, which are governed by the Maurer–Cartan equation.