Abstract-We solve the problem of steering a three-level quantum system from one eigen-state to another in minimum time and study its possible extension to the time-optimal control problem for a general n-level quantum system. For the threelevel system we find all optimal controls by finding two types of symmetry in the problem: Z2 × S3 discrete symmetry and S 1 continuous symmetry, and exploiting them to solve the problem through discrete reduction and symplectic reduction. We then study the geometry, in the same framework, which occurs in the time-optimal control of a general n-level quantum system.
I. THE STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMIn this paper we study the time-optimal control problem for the following 3-level system:with the initial and final conditionsand the control constraintsWe show that there are exactly two optimal control laws:and the minimum time cost is. Furthermore, we show how the same technique can be extended to understanding the geometry in the time-optimal control problem for the general n-level system:. . .with the initial and final conditionsand the control constraints In the context of quantum mechanics, the model considered in this paper is a finite-dimensional low-energy approximation of a Schrödinger equation driven by rotating fields and averaged over a time interval longer than the inverse energy splittings, where each x i corresponds to the coefficient of the eigen wave function of the i-th energy level, and controls u i 's correspond to the amplitudes of lasers [11], [5].Various open-loop control problems for quantum systems have been already studied. In particular, the energy-optimal control problem for the dynamics in (4) without any magnitude constraints on control was studied at the level of Lie groups in [7], [4]. For that problem, the author in [7] combined Lie-Poisson reduction theory with the Pontryagin Maximum Principle (PMP), and the authors in [4] utilized sub-Riemannian geometry with the PMP. In [11], the trajectory generation problem for the dynamics was studied via flatness theory. In [3] the time-optimal control problem for the dynamics in (1)-(3) using sub-Riemmanian geometry with the PMP. The same problem and its generalization are studied in this article using a different approach. Our main tool, distinct from those in [3], [4], [6], [7], [11], is the detection and exploitation of both continuous and discrete symmetry in the problem. An example of this is an S 1 continuous symmetry and a Z 2 × S 3 discrete symmetry in the dynamics (1)-(3). We employ discrete reduction and symplectic reduction theory to remove those symmetries and simplify the dynamics. This technique can also be effectively generalized to the time-optimal control of a general n-level quantum system.