Phagocytes generate nitric oxide (NO) and other reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in large quantities to combat infecting bacteria. Here, we report the surprising observation that in vivo survival of a notorious pathogen-Bacillus anthracis-critically depends on its own NO-synthase (bNOS) activity. Anthrax spores (Sterne strain) deficient in bNOS lose their virulence in an A/J mouse model of systemic infection and exhibit severely compromised survival when germinating within macrophages. The mechanism underlying bNOS-dependent resistance to macrophage killing relies on NO-mediated activation of bacterial catalase and suppression of the damaging Fenton reaction. Our results demonstrate that pathogenic bacteria use their own NO as a key defense against the immune oxidative burst, thereby establishing bNOS as an essential virulence factor. Thus, bNOS represents an attractive antimicrobial target for treatment of anthrax and other infectious diseases.anthrax ͉ bacterial NO-synthase ͉ oxidative stress T he spore-producing Gram-positive soil organism, Bacillus anthracis, is the causative agent of anthrax, an acute lifethreatening infection in humans and domestic animals. Inhalation of B. anthracis spores results in a high rate of mortality, because effective treatment must be provided within a very short time after exposure (1). Deliberate dispersal of anthrax spores through the United States Postal Service in 2001 emphasized the importance of developing effective treatments to combat this potential biological scourge.Although the innate immune response is the first line of defense against B. anthracis, its spores survive, germinate, and proliferate in macrophages, eventually bursting them to produce a lethal titer of infectious particles. The mechanism by which B. anthracis evades immune attack is not fully understood. Most studies have been focused on major virulence factors found on two plasmids (pXO1 and pXO2) that are responsible for exotoxins, capsule formation, and spore germination (2). These plasmid-borne virulence factors have been the prime candidates for anti-anthrax drug design. However, the ability of pathogens such as B. anthracis to survive in phagocytes also depends critically on the state of their oxidative stress defense system. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play essential roles in innate immunity against many types of microorganisms (3-5). The antibacterial effects of ROS have been largely attributed to DNA and protein damage mediated by the Fenton reaction (6). This process generates hydroxyl radicals that react with DNA bases, sugar moieties, and amino acid side chains, causing various types of lesions (7). We showed that nonpathogenic B. subtilis utilizes its own nitric oxide (NO) to gain rapid protection against sudden oxidative damage (8). The mechanism of protection does not rely on transcriptional gene induction but rather on rapid suppression of DNA damage by preventing the Fenton reaction and direct activation of catalase (8). Here, we describe the key role of NO-synthase (bNOS)-derived ...