Xanthorrhoea hastilis R. BR. (Xanthorrhoeaceae), commonly called grass trees, is an Australian native plant genus. A commercially available resin commonly obtained from Xanthorrhoea trees is gum accoroides, but no medical uses have been described for this plant. In our continuing search for allergy-preventive substances from natural sources 1) we found that extracts of X. hastilis exhibited allergy-preventive activity. Known extracts from X. hastilis include benzoic acid, 2) fragrant oil 3) and C-methylated flavonoid, 4) but no detailed chemical study had been reported. In the present study, we isolated from X. hastilis, a new flavanone, 3Ј,5Ј-dihydroxy-7,4Ј-dimethoxyflavanone (1) and two new chalcones, 3,5,2Ј-trihydroxy-4,4Ј-dimethoxychalcone (2) and 5,2Ј-dihydroxy-3,4,4Ј-trimethoxychalcone (3). We report their structures and also the isolation of five known compounds. Finally, we describe the allergy-preventive effects of these compounds isolated from X. hastilis.
Results and DiscussionCompound 1 was obtained as colorless needles and its HR-EI-MS showed the [M] ϩ ion at m/z 316.0942 which established the molecular formula as C 17 H 16 O 6 (Calcd 316.0947). The IR spectrum indicated the presence of hydroxy (3500-3200 cm
Ϫ1) and conjugated carbonyl (1670 cm Ϫ1 ) groups. The UV spectrum showed l max at 237, 272 and 310 nm, indicating a phenolic nature.1 H-NMR of 1 showed the presence of a methylene (d 2.75, 2.96), an oxymethine (d 5.32), two methoxy groups (d 3.81, 3.84) and five aromatic protons, in which two protons appeared as a singlet at d 6.49, suggesting a symmetrical structure and the other three protons indicated a typical ABX spin system (d 6.54, 6.62, 7.77).13 C-NMR showed the signals for a carbonyl carbon at d 193.1, twelve aromatic carbons between d 102.1 and 168.2, an oxygenated methine at d 80.9, two methoxy groups at d 56.3 and 60.8 and a methylene at d 48.5. These data suggested that 1 is dihydroxy-dimetoxyflavanone. EI-MS showed fragment peaks at m/z 151, 166, which indicated the presence of one methoxy group in the A ring, one methoxy and two hydroxy groups in the B ring.5) The methoxy group of the B ring should be placed at position 4Ј to form the B ring symmetry. The positions of methoxy groups were established at 7 and 4Ј by correlation with the HMBC spectrum ( Table 1). The absolute configuration at C-2 was confirmed by a positive Cotton effect at 331 nm and a negative Cotton effect at 304 nm in the CD spectrum, which is characteristic for the 2S configuration of flavanones.
6)Based on these observations, the new compound 1 was established to be (2S)-3Ј,5Ј-dihydroxy-7,4Ј-dimethoxyflavanone.Compound 2 was isolated as yellow needles. HR-EI-MS showed the [M] ϩ ion at m/z 316.0949 corresponding to the ; 11-68 Koshien, Kyuban-cho, Nishinomiya 663-8179, Japan: and b Gifu Pharmaceutical University; 5-6-1 Mitahora-higashi, Gifu 502-8585, Japan. Received November 22, 2006; accepted January 9, 2007; published online January 12, 2007 Allergy-preventive activity was demonstrated for an ext...