Medicinal Organometallic Chemistry keeps contributing to drug discovery efforts including the development of diagnostic compounds. Despite the limiting issues of metal-based molecules, e.g., such as toxicity, there are drugs approved for clinical use and several others are under clinical and pre-clinical development. Indeed, several research groups continue working on organometallic compounds with potential therapeutic applications. For arguably historical reasons, chemoinformatic methods in drug discovery have been applied thus far mostly to organic compounds. Typically, metal-based molecules are excluded from compound data sets for analysis. Indeed, most software and algorithms for drug discovery applications are focused and parametrized for organic molecules. However, considering the emerging field of material informatics, the objective of this Commentary we emphasize the need to develop cheminformatic applications to further develop metallodrugs. For instance, one of the starting points would be developing a compound database of organometallic molecules annotated with biological activity. It is concluded that chemoinformatic methods can boost the research area of Medicinal Organometallic Chemistry.