Response of a solid tumor to radiation treatment depends, in part, on the intrinsic radiosensitivity of tumor cells, the proliferation rate of tumor cells between radiation treatments and the hypoxic state of the tumor cells. A successful radiosensitizing agent would target S-phase cells and hypoxia. Recently, we demonstrated the anti-tumor effects of flavopiridol in the GL261 murine glioma model might involve (1) recruitment of tumor cells to S-phase (Newcomb et al., Cell Cycle 2004; 3:230-4) and (2) an anti-angiogenic effect on the tumor vasculature by downregulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) (Newcomb et al., Neuro-Oncology 2005; 7:225-35). Given that flavopiridol has demonstrated radiosensitizing activity in several murine tumor models, we tested whether it would enhance the response of GL261 tumors to radiation. In the present study, we evaluated the intrinsic radiation sensitivity of the GL261 glioma model using the tumor control/cure dose of radiation assay (TCD 50 ). We found that a single dose of 65 Gy (CI 57.1-73.1) was required to cure 50% of the tumors locally. Using the tumor growth delay assay, fractionated radiation (5 fractions of 5 Gy over 10 days) combined with flavopiridol (5 mg/kg) given three times weekly for three cycles produced a significant growth delay. Our results indicate that the GL261 murine glioma model mimics the radioresistance encountered in human gliomas, and thus should prove useful in identifying promising new investigational radiosensitizers for use in the treatment of glioma patients.