Muscles were removed from pork shoulders at24 h postmortem and converted to restructured chops. Flavor enhancers included in the formulations were 0.5 % mushroom extract (M), 0.38% Globe Natuml Potentiator (NP), 0.38% monosodium glutamate (MSG), and no jlavor enhancers (C). At 0, 14, and 56 days afier packinging, samples were evaluated for discoloration, cohesiveness, muscle cut resemblence, ovemll appeamnce, juiciness, connective tissue amount, tenderness andfivor. Objective eduations included Hunter Color and TBA values. Samples with MSG sustained less discolomtion (€k O.OS), when measured objectively and subjectively, aJtrr stomge for 42 days than the M and NP chops. Similar effects on ovemll appeamnce scores were noted. Allj'lavor enhancers had a minimal effect on cohesiveness, muscle cut resemblance, juiciness, connective tissue amount and tenderness. 7he mushroom extract and the Globe Natural Potentiator provided more jlavor protection than monosodium glutamate.