A complete analysis is given of the implications of the empirical indications for a positive strangeness magnetic moment µs of the proton on the possible configurations of the uudss component of the proton. A positive value for µs is obtained in the ss configuration where the uuds subsystem is in an orbitally excited state with [4]F S [22]F [22]S flavor-spin symmetry, which is likely to have the lowest energy. The configurations in which thes is orbitally excited, which include the conventional K + Λ 0 configuration, with exception of that in which the uuds component has spin 2, yield negative values for µs. The hidden strangeness analogues of recently proposed quark cluster models for the θ + pentaquark give differing signs for µs.Three recent experiments on parity violation in electron-proton scattering suggest that the strangeness magnetic moment of the proton µ s is positive [1,2,3]. In contrast theoretical calculations have led to negative values for this observable, with but few exceptions [4,5,6,7,8,9]. Here the implications of the empirical result for the configuration of the constituents of the proton is considered by a calculation of µ s for all positive parity configurations of the uudss system with one constituent in the first orbitally excited state, which may be contained in the proton. The results are given in the form of simple general expressions, in which µ s is proportional to the ss probability of the configuration.It is shown that µ s is positive in the uudss configuration, which is likely to have the lowest energy, where thes quark is in the ground state and the uuds system is in the P −state. If in contrast the strange antiquark is in the P −state and the 4 quarks are in their ground state the strangeness magnetic moment is negative (except for the energetically unfavored case where the total spin of the uuds state equals 2). These configurations correspond to that of a fluctuation of the proton into a kaon and a strange hyperon, which is well known to lead to a negative value for the strangeness magnetic moment [10,11,12,13].Several intriguing configurations [14,15,16] for the system of 4 light flavor quarks and a strange antiquarks have been proposed to explain the structure of the (tentative) θ + pentaquark. Below their hidden strangeness analogues are considered from the point of view of the strangeness magnetic moment. While the diquarkdiquark configurations suggested in refs. [14,15] Table 1 [17]. The requirement of positive parity requires that for these configurations the strange antiquark has to be in the P −state.If in contrast the strange antiquarks is in its ground state, the uuds system has to be in the P −state in order that the combination have positive parity. In this case the symmetry of the spatial state of the 4-quark system is reduced to Table I [17].In the quark model the strangeness magnetic moment is defined as the matrix element of the operatorwhereŜ is the strangeness counting operator, with eigenvalue +1 for s and −1 fors quarks and m s is the constituent mass of...