The LHC has not discovered any New Physics beyond the anticipated h(125) boson, and new ideas abound for out-of-the-box searches, or Effective Field Theories with multi-TeV cutoff. But, have we exhausted dimension-4 operators involving sub-TeV particles that are not exotic (non-XLP)? We advocate the existence of an extra Higgs doublet that carry extra Weinberg couplings, where emergent mass-mixing hierarchies and alignment have hidden their effects very well so far. O(1) Higgs quartics can induce first order electroweak phase transition and imply sub-TeV H, A, H ± spectrum. The extra Weinberg couplings, led by ρtt and ρtc at O(1), can drive electroweak baryogenesis, while |ρee/ρtt| ∝ λe/λt, the ratio of usual electron and top Weinberg couplings, can tame electron EDM. Finding these extra Higgs bosons via cg → tH/A → ttc, tt t and cg → bH + → bt b processes (and those allowed by Higgs boson splittings) at the LHC, and pushing the flavor frontier to break the flavor code, would usher in a new Higgs/flavor era. A new scale at 10-20 TeV, possibly related to the Landau pole of the scalar sector, may emerge.