This work studied the addition of an adequate lipase to enhance lipolysis reactions and the development of piquant flavour and sharp odour in Idiazabal cheese, as an alternative to the use of lamb rennet paste. Cheeses were manufactured from bulk raw ewes' milk in 50 l vats with commercial bovine rennet and 80 lipase units of pregastric or 180 lipase units of fungal lipase and ripened for 180 days. A higher lipolytic activity was induced by lipase addition promoting strong changes in odour and flavour attributes. Both fungal and pregastric lipases increased the content of total free fatty acids (FFA), but the fungal lipase released mainly medium-and long-chain FFA. In contrast, the pregastric lipase preferably released short-chain FFA. Diglyceride (DG) content was considerably higher in cheeses made with added pregastric lipase compared with those made with fungal lipase or with no lipase. Monoglycerides (MG) were detected only in cheeses made with either lipase added, reaching comparable concentrations after ripening for 180 days. The cheeses made with pregastric lipase had the highest scores for odour and flavour intensity, and sharp and rennet odours, desirable attributes for the Idiazabal cheese made with lamb rennet paste. None of the texture attributes were significantly influenced by the concentrations of MG and DG in the cheeses made with either lipase. Thus, the pregastric lipase was more appropriate than the fungal lipase to develop a more traditionally-flavoured Idiazabal cheese.