We calculate the form factor of the quark energy momentum tensor and thereby extract the quark orbital angular momentum of the nucleon. The calculation is done on a quenched 16 3 × 24 lattice at β = 6.0 and with Wilson fermions at κ = 0.148, 0.152, 0.154 and 0.155. We calculate the disconnected insertion stochastically which employs the Z2 noise with an unbiased subtraction. This proves to be an efficient method of reduce the error from the noise. We find that the total quark contribution to the proton spin is 0.29 ± 0.07. From this we deduce that the quark orbital angular momentum is 0.17 ± 0.08 and predict the gluon spin to be 0.21 ± 0.07, i.e. about 40% of the proton spin is due to the glue.
To understand the spin content of the proton remains a challenging problem in QCD [1]. Experimental [2], [3] and lattice results [4], [5]suggest that the quark contribution ( 1 2 Σ) to the proton spin is about 25 ± 10%. But to date, we have very little knowledge about the remaining part of the proton spin. We do not have reliable estimate about the spin contribution from the gluons or the orbital angular momentum of the quark. In this talk, I will show our lattice results on the total angular momentum of the quarks and thereby deduce the quark orbital angular momentum and predict the gluon contribution to the proton spin.Recently it was shown [6] that one can decompose the total angular momentum of QCD in a gauge invariant way, i.e.The forward matrix element of this operator in the proton defines the decomposition of the proton spin 1 2 = 1 2 Σ + L q + J g , where 1 2 Σ is the quark spin contribution, L q is the quark orbital angular momentum and J g is the total angular momentum of the glue. To calculate the angular momentum of the quark and the gluon in the * Talk presented by N. Mathur at Lattice '99, Pisa, Italy proton, one first notices that the gauge invariant quark-gluon energy momentum tensor [6] iswhere the first part is the quark energy momentum tensor and the second one is that of the gluon. Form factors of this energy momentum tensor current can be defined aswherep µ = (p µ + p ′ µ )/2, q µ = p µ − p ′ µ and u(p) is the nucleon spinor. It is proved [6] that the total angular momentum of the quark or gluon is related to the sum of the T 1 and T 2 form factors at zero momentum transfer, i. e.