When skyrmions representing nucleons are put on crystal lattice and compressed to simulate high density, there is a transition above the normal nuclear matter density (n 0 ) from a matter consisting of skyrmions with integer baryon charge to a state of half-skyrmions with half-integer baryon charge. We exploit this observation in an effective field theory framework to access dense baryonic system. We find that the topology change involved in the transition implies changeover from a Fermi liquid structure to a non-Fermi liquid with the chiral condensate in the nucleon "melted off." The ∼ 80% of the nucleon mass that remains "unmelted," invariant under chiral transformation, points to the possible origin of the (bulk of) proton mass that is not encoded in the standard mechanism of spontaneously broken chiral symmetry. The topology change engenders a drastic modification of the nuclear tensor forces, thereby nontrivially affecting the EoS, in particular, the symmetry energy, for compact star matter. It brings in stiffening of the EoS needed to accommodate a neutron star of ∼ 2 solar mass. The strong effect on the EoS in general and in the tensor force structure in particular will also have impact on processes that could be measured at RIB-type accelerators. *
DedicationLong before effective field theory anchored on chiral perturbation began to play a predominant role in nuclear physics -and with a large success, Gerry Brown and one of the authors (MR) started to ask in what way chiral symmetry figured in nuclear physics, in particular (Gerry) in nuclear forces and (MR) in exchange currents. This part of the story is recounted in the Gerry Brown Festschrift volume [1]. One of the early observations among many that we made then was that it could figure particularly importantly in the structure of nuclear tensor forces [2]. And this is what led us to the proposal of what is now referred to as "Brown-Rho scaling" (or "BR scaling" for short). In 23 years that have elapsed since then, a surprising, totally unanticipated, twist in the structure of the tensor forces was discovered, which, if confirmed to be correct, promises to have a novel and profound implication on dense nuclear matter, particularly for the EoS for compact stars. Gerry did not participate in this new development but we are certain that what is described in this note would have pleased him immensely.We dedicate this note -prepared for a contribution to "EPJA Special Volume on Nuclear Symmetry Energy" -to Gerry Brown.