Abstract. We review recent progress in studying mesons within gauge/gravity duality, in the context of adding flavour degrees of freedom to generalizations of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Our main focus is on the "top-down approach" of considering models constructed within string theory. We explain the stringtheoretical constructions in detail, aiming at non-specialists. These give rise to a new way of describing strongly coupled confining large-N gauge theories similar to large-N QCD. In particular, we consider gravity dual descriptions of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, and compare with lattice results. A further topic covered is the behaviour of flavour bound states in finite-temperature field theories dual to a gravity background involving a black hole. We also describe the "bottom up" phenomenological approach to mesons within AdS/QCD. Some previously unpublished results are also included.PACS. 11.15.-q Gauge field theories -11.25.Tq Gauge/string duality -12.40.Yx Hadron mass models and calculations -14.40.-n Mesons