The part-through-wall crack perpendicular to the circumferential weld on the outside surface of a spent nuclear fuel (SNF) multiple-purpose canister (MPC) can be shown to be the most limiting fracture configuration driven by the welding residual stress (WRS). A series of semi-elliptical cracks of various sizes is chosen to calculate the stress intensity factors (K) under a bounding residual stress (i.e., the stress distribution that bounds all WRS in a canister). The threshold stress intensity factor (KISCC) of the canister material in the storage environment is used to determine a critical flaw size, below which the stress corrosion cracking would be unlikely to take place. This result can be considered as the flaw disposition criterion should a surface flaw be detected during the inservice inspection as required by the aging management program (AMP), and can be proposed to American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section XI Code Case N-860, “Examination Requirements and Acceptance Standards for Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage and Transportation Containment Systems.”