Pandemic covid-19 has disrupted the conventional learning process. So a solution is needed to answer these problems. Online learning is an alternative that can solve this problem. The research objective was to obtain an overview of the implementation of online learning at State Senior High School 1 Palembang, as an effort to reduce the spread of covid-19 in schools. The research subjects were students of class X IPA1 until X IPA6(100 students). Data were collected by an interview via zoom cloud meeting. Data analysis was performed using interactive analysis techniques by Miles & Huberman. The results showed that: (1) students already have the basic facilities needed to take part in online learning, (2) online learning has flexibility in its implementation and can encourage independent learning and motivation to be more active in learning, and (3) distance learning encourages the emergence of social distancing behavior and minimizes the appearance of student crowds so that it is considered to reduce the potential for the spread of Covid-19 in the school environment. Weak supervision of students, unstable mobile device signal, and high quota fees are challenges in online learning. Increasing independent learning, interest and motivation, courage to present ideas and questions are other advantages of online learning.