The right technological decisions-making during the construction process ensures online monitoring of process in progress and the external environment. The use of wireless technologies to collect data from sensors and transmit data creates new opportunities in this field. The most important of these is the ability to make a decision and its possible real-time correction. The aim of this paper is to identify methods of decision making process during concreting based on a flexible approach and learning from cases. The technology decision-making system is composed of three phases: (1) the strategic phasebased selection of avoiding adverse weather conditions or determining the effects of disturbances on achieving expected results despite difficulties; (2) the tactical setting in which the best concrete mix option adapted to actual and predicted operating conditions; (3) operational monitoring of the processes in progress and the environment, including simulation and warning systems, to possibly correct the decision in the form of additional actions in the event of an emergency. The purpose of this concept is to reduce risk by applying flexibility. The case study shows the possibility of flexible management of construction processes using different technology (formwork heating, the use of admixtures, heating the concrete, the addition of PCM, etc.). First flexible tactics is based on robustness taken for normal and optimistic scenario. The second (complementary) tactic is adaptability that provides the ability to heat the concrete element in case of freezing emergency.