Predicting the structure of protein-protein complexes using docking approaches is a difficult problem whose major challenges include identifying correct solutions, and properly dealing with molecular flexibility and conformational changes. Flexibility can be addressed at several levels: implicitly, by smoothing the protein surfaces or allowing some degree of interpenetration (soft docking) or by performing multiple docking runs from various conformations (cross or ensemble docking); or explicitly, by allowing sidechain and/or backbone flexibility. Although significant improvements have been achieved in the modeling of sidechains, methods for the explicit inclusion of backbone flexibility in docking are still being developed. A few novel approaches have emerged involving collective degrees of motion, multicopy representations and multibody docking, which should allow larger conformational changes to be modeled.
IntroductionGiven the increased focus on interactions in the current post-genomic era, structural knowledge of complexes is required to understand how the various biomolecular units work together to fulfill their tasks. The number of expected biomolecular complexes will, however, exceed the number of proteins in a proteome by at least one order of magnitude; a significant fraction of these will be extremely difficult to study using classical structural methods such as NMR and X-ray crystallography. Therefore, the importance of computational approaches such as docking, the process of predicting the three-dimensional structure of a complex based on its known constituents, is evident. Unfortunately, predicting the structure of protein-protein complexes is a difficult problem, with major challenges that include identifying correct solutions, and properly dealing with flexibility and conformational changes. In this review, recent progress in the latter area will be addressed.To monitor the performance of current docking methods, CAPRI (Critical Assessment of Predicted Interactions), a community-wide blind docking experiment, has been established ( The recent CAPRI results [1 ] indicate that, although for 'easy' targets that show only small backbone conformational changes, excellent predictions can be obtained by the modeling community as whole, targets for which conformational changes take place upon binding are extremely challenging (even for backbone RMSD changes as small as 2 Å !). Initially, most protein-protein docking approaches have been developed based on rigid-body docking algorithms, thus ignoring any conformational change that might occur upon binding. However, the realization of the importance of flexibility in docking is leading to new developments. Flexibility can be introduced at several levels: implicitly, by smoothing the protein surfaces or allowing some degree of interpenetration (soft docking) or by performing multiple docking runs from various conformations (cross or ensemble docking); or explicitly, by allowing sidechain and/or backbone flexibility, either during...