The ability of certain materials to convert electrical stimuli into mechanical deformation, and vice versa, is a prized property. Not surprisingly, applications of such so-called piezoelectric materials are broad-ranging from energy harvesting to self-powered sensors. In this perspective, written in the form of question-answers, we highlight a relatively understudied electromechanical coupling called flexoelectricity that appears to have tantalizing implications in topics ranging from biophysics to the design of next-generation multifunctional nanomaterials.A uniform mechanical strain electrically polarizes a piezoelectric material. There is extensive literature on the formal development of the phenomenological theory of piezoelectricity; however, simply put, this phenomenon may be described by the following linearized relation between the components of the polarization vector (P) and the strain tensor (e): P i d ijk e jk . The piezoelectric property tensor (d) is third order. Group theory states that only noncentrosymmetric crystals may exhibit properties dictated by third-order tensors [1], and accordingly, common insulators which possess a centrosymmetric crystal structure, such as Si and NaCl, are nonpiezoelectric.However, as schematically alluded to in Fig. 1, a nonuniform strain may break the mirror symmetry even in otherwise centrosymmetric crystals. The relation of the polarization to the extent of the nonuniformity of the strain field, or strain gradient, is known as flexoelectricity: P i d ijk e jk þ f ijkl ð@e jk =@x l Þ, where f ijkl are the components of the so-called flexoelectric tensor. While the piezoelectric property is nonzero only for selected materials, the strain gradient-polarization coupling (i.e., flexoelectricity tensor) is in principle nonzero for all (insulating) materials. This implies that under a nonuniform strain, all dielectric materials are capable of producing a polarization. The reader is referred to the following articles for further information: Refs. [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9].