Transistors are one of the major components of everyday consumer electronics. With the huge demand for low‐cost and flexible consumer electronics, modern industrially‐compatible transistor‐fabrication techniques such as roll‐to‐roll printing techniques must be given due consideration with a view to replacing conventional complex lithography techniques which make use of toxic chemicals. Such traditional methods are not only time‐consuming but also pose a threat to human health. This review article is concerned with offering insights into the deployment of flexographic printing which has been widely used for food packaging and newspaper production, as a cost‐effective technique for the production of transistors. More specifically, it discusses in detail both advantages of the printing technique and its contributions to fabrication of different vital transistor components such as gate, source, drain, semiconductor, and dielectric layers. It also attends to prepatterning of surfaces for the formation of transistor electrodes using the printing technique. Finally, it addresses the challenges associated with implementing such a technique in industry.