A semi-analytical model is presented, based on conventional principles of mechanics, to predict the flexure behaviour of steel fibre reinforced concrete. The model uses a stress-block approach to represent the stresses that develop at a cracked section by three discrete stress zones: (a) a compressive zone; (b) an uncracked tensile zone; and (c) a cracked tensile zone. It is further shown that the stress-block, and hence flexural behaviour, is a function of five principal parameters: compressive stress-strain relation; tensile stress-strain relation; fibre pull-out behaviour; the number and distribution of fibres across the cracked section in terms of their positions, orientations and embedment lengths; and the strain/crack-width profile in relation to the deflection of the beam. An experimental investigation was undertaken on both cast and sprayed specimens to obtain relationships for use in the model. The results of the study showed a reasonable agreement between the model predictions and experimental results. However, the accuracy of the model is probably unacceptable for it to be currently used in design. A subsequent analysis highlighted the single fibre pull-out test and the sensitivity of the strain analysis tests as being the main cause of the discrepancies.
IntroductionSteel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) continues to grow in specialist applications that can utilise its flexibility and enhanced toughness performance, notably sprayed concrete and industrial floors. However, its continued development has been hindered by a general lack of confidence in its design, particularly under flexural load. This is mainly due to a lack of suitable analytical design methods and appropriate material property tests that measure flexural toughness (or strength) parameters. This need is highlighted by the recent RILEM TC162-TDF [1] proposals for test and design methods.Although recent developments in flexural toughness characterisation have attempted to address the latter of these shortcomings, flexural behaviour of SFRC will be better understood, and thereby predicted, if crack formation and the associated fibre reinforcing mechanisms at the critical section can be explicitly considered in terms of the strain distribution, crack-width and deflection of the beam. To this end, the stress-profile concept potentially offers the most acceptable flexural modelling approach because it is simple to understand; uses conventional principles of structural mechanics, and could, therefore, be incorporated into a design rationale similar to that used for conventional reinforced concrete.A variety of stress-profile models have been proposed for predicting the load-deflection behaviour of SFRC by utilising the equilibrium of forces at the cracked section [2][3][4][5]. These models have generally adopted a semi-analytical approach, whereby failure is assumed to occur at a single crack with rigid-body motion of the two broken halves, rotating about a plastic hinge, being the dominant mechanism.The kinematics of failure has bee...