Three different test geometries were used to apply shear loading to fracture glass-to-metal joints typical of seals intended for use in planar solid oxide fuel cells: asymmetric compression; symmetric compression; and four-point asymmetric bending.The measured apparent shear strengths were found to differ by an order of magnitude depending on the test configuration employed. In particular, the apparent shear strength measured in the asymmetric compression test was very low. Conversely, the highest apparent shear strengths were measured using the symmetric compression test and the four-point asymmetric bend test gave an intermediate result. It is shown by finite element modelling that these differences are caused by differences in the normal stresses transverse to the joint. The locus of failure was always along the glass/metal interface in all test geometries.It is concluded that mechanical test procedures used to characterise glass-ceramic seals in SOFC stacks need to be selected and interpreted with great care.
Keywords:Solid oxide fuel cell, seal, testing, glass, strength 2
IntroductionInterfaces between metals and brittle materials, such as ceramic or glass, are encountered in a wide variety of situations in which their mechanical properties are important. These include composites, coatings, and structural joints. Joints in the form of a layer between two metal surfaces are used as electrically insulating, gas-tight high temperature seals in solid oxide fuel cells [1]. The seal materials are often of glass, glass-ceramic or glass and ceramic [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]. Since these composite joints have a brittle adhesive layer, the mechanical properties of the joints are crucial for the reliability of the fuel cell stack and suitable test methods are required to assess their mechanical performance [11,12,13,14]. Such a test method should reflect, as closely as possible, the stress state expected in the actual application.The stresses experienced by these joints are the summation of residual stresses and applied operational stresses. The residual stresses arise mainly from differences in thermal expansion between the adhesive material and the adherends being joined when the operating (or testing) temperature is different from the effective temperature at which the seal was fabricated in a stress-free state. For a glass adhesive the effective fabrication temperature is approximately its glass transition temperature, since above this temperature the glass is sufficiently fluid to allow stresses to be relaxed. In planar fuel cell concepts the residual stresses are predominantly in-plane biaxial stresses and they are concentrated in the material having the smallest thickness, which is usually the adhesive layer. The residual stresses are in-plane biaxial in the bulk of the seal at distances greater than a few times the seal thickness from the seal edges. However, closer to the seal edges the free surfaces at the edges convert the residual stresses into shear stresses of similar magnitude to the bulk biaxial str...