1 Effects of codeine (30, 60 and 90 mg) on visuo-motor coordination and dynamic visual acuity, together with critical flicker fusion, digit symbol substitution, complex reaction time and subjective assessments of mood, were studied from 0.75-2.0 h after ingestion by six healthy female adults. The study was double-blind and placebo controlled, and triprolidine (10 mg) was used as the active control. 2 The effect on visuo-motor coordination was limited and was dose related and linear, and performance was altered on visuo-motor coordination with 60 and 90 mg codeine, and on dynamic visual acuity with 90 mg codeine (P < 0.05). No other effect of codeine was detected.3 Modulated neuromuscular function is likely to be the common denominator of the changes in performance with codeine, though nausea, but not sedation, may be a contributory factor. It is possible that altered performance with codeine may involve interactions with different receptors than those which lead to sedation.