This paper provides an overview of the AKARI mission, which was the first Japanese satellite dedicated to infrared astronomy. The AKARI satellite was launched in 2006, and performed both an all-sky survey and pointed observations during its 550 days in the He-cooled mission phases (Phases 1 and 2). After the He ran out, we continued near-infrared observations with mechanical cryocoolers (Phase 3). Due to a failure of its power supply, AKARI was turned off in 2011.The AKARI data are unique in terms of the observed wavelengths as well as the sky coverage, and provide a unique legacy resource for many astronomical studies. Since April 2013, a dedicated new team has been working to refine the AKARI data processing. The goal of this activity is to provide processed datasets for most of the AKARI observations in a Science Ready form, so that more users can utilize the AKARI data in their astronomical research. The data to be released will include revised All-Sky Point Source Catalogues, All-Sky Image Maps, as well as high-sensitivity images and spectra obtained by pointed observations. We expect that the data will be made public by in the Spring of 2016.